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The NutCracker

The NutCracker is available on the shop!

You will find the pictures of the sculpture and the painting in the gallery.

A figure that comes out of the ordinary, but sometimes there's ideas like that :-)
  2294 Hits

Pika pika !!!

A small sculpt to have a little fun ... Have you recognized him?
It made 17 mm to top of the head and sculpted in Fimo as always.

  2407 Hits


I have just found in my archives an old sculpture: Hanundil.

I sculpted this mini a little while ago but unfortunately it was never produced by the company that had ordered it. It was a very fun project to do :-)

  2328 Hits

Happy New Year 2019!

A little message to wish you all the best for this new year.
Thank you all for your support!
A new year for new projects & ideas...

Happy new year ! Cheers !!
  1645 Hits

Bags kit and paints...

A kit of bags to decorate your scenerys is available on the store.

Also a small update of the gallery with two paints this time. The paint of the Mystic and a Urien Rakarth painted for the Black Eldar army of a Friend. Many more things to come ...
  2497 Hits

© ANAKRON Miniatures Studio -  WWW.ANAKRON.FR
Tous les textes, photos, sculptures, dessins, vidéos,  etc... de ce site sont la propriété de leur auteur et ils ne peuvent en aucun cas être utilisés sans son accord.Si vous souhaitez pour quelque raison que ce soit utiliser un élément issu de ce site contactez moi au préalable. Merci.
ANAKRON Miniatures Studio - c/o AYRAL David - 28 Avenue Gambetta - Appt 3 - 81300 GRAULHET - France - SIRET : 508 232 188 00013