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Vases & Urns

Vases & Urns Kit is available on the Store!

  126 Hits

Dame de Elph'ine

Lady of Elph'ine and her weapon bearer are available in the store.

  233 Hits


The AnaKrom Bust is available on the store in Resin version and in 3D file version. Thanks to Frédéric Le GULUCHE for creating the amazing painting for the shop.
  556 Hits


Brak'Hagg is available on the shop in resin cast and in 3D file to print! 50mm of pure raw sweetness!! Images of the painting and 3D rendering have also been added to the Gallery.

  700 Hits

Pumpkin bust

It's in season, so a little pumpkin bust is available as a 3D file to print on the shop!

  853 Hits

© ANAKRON Miniatures Studio -  WWW.ANAKRON.FR
Tous les textes, photos, sculptures, dessins, vidéos,  etc... de ce site sont la propriété de leur auteur et ils ne peuvent en aucun cas être utilisés sans son accord.Si vous souhaitez pour quelque raison que ce soit utiliser un élément issu de ce site contactez moi au préalable. Merci.
ANAKRON Miniatures Studio - c/o AYRAL David - 28 Avenue Gambetta - Appt 3 - 81300 GRAULHET - France - SIRET : 508 232 188 00013